How to print Amazon FBA Labels to a 4x6 inch format on a Zebra thermal printer.
2018-10-10 FBA Labels, Editorial Team 4x6, Thermal Printer, Zebra, PDF labels, Shipping Labels, This post presents a step by step guide to printing your Amazon FBA shipping labels to a 4x6 inch format on a Zebra thermal printer.
22 New PDF Label Formats Added
2018-08-09 Dymo Labels, Editorial Team Thermal Printer, A4 Labels, USPS, Dymo, PDF labels, Priority Mail, Shipping Labels,We are pleased to announce the addition of 22 new label formats. You now have 22 new PDF formats that you can convert you postage too or from.

Streamline your Amazon FBA restocking process using a PDF label converter
2018-08-01 FBA Labels, Editorial Team Restock Inventory, FBA, PDF labels, Amazon merchant, Shipping Labels,The pressure is on. The seasonal buying spree is fast approaching. You have one eye on your inventory levels and the other eye on your estimated lost sales. You are on the phone with your supplier trying to arrange to get your shipment in before your levels drop to zero and you miss out on the seasonal sales spike. You are stressing over that other merchant that just popped onto the scene selling the same item you sell and you strategize about how to keep the buy box that you worked so hard to get. You are an Amazon FBA merchant.

Label2Label product update and walk through video
2018-07-18 FBA Labels, Editorial Team FBA, PDF labels, Shipping Labels,Today we are announcing the July update of our Label2Label offering. It has many usability improvements and many additional conversion formats. In addition we have expanded our payment options and updated pricing which provides more conversions at a lower price.